How to Maximize Participation with Video-Based Healthcare

Employee health screenings are a critical component of any robust wellness program. They help to detect potential health issues early on to protect employees’ well-being and avoid costly healthcare down the line.

Apathy towards health, however, poses a significant challenge for employers. Snapshot Health is taking dead aim at employee health engagement with the introduction of its new video-based wellness platform. Their goal is to help employees take that first step toward health and preventative care.

“Witnessing the pervasive low turnout, roughly only 30%, in health screenings is the sign of a greater problem, especially when we know that nearly everyone wants to be healthier. I knew there had to be a better way and that’s why we founded Snapshot Health — to revolutionize health engagement like no one has ever seen before. We’re committed to leading the charge towards a healthier, more vibrant workforce with a new method that’s easier for everyone,” said Robert Kurtz, CEO of Snapshot Health.

What are some of the ways Snapshot plans to boost engagement in a person’s own health? “Getting a check up with blood work is the very first step towards preventative care, so we looked at that process,” said Kurtz. “Are we doing everything we can to make health screenings as easy as possible for both employers and employees? We identified 37 specific barriers for both HR and employees involving health screening participation. Then we engineered solutions to eliminate each one.”

Why lean so heavily on video with your process? “Well, because video makes things easier,” said Kurtz. “One of the largest barriers we identified was comprehension. If becoming a healthier person is a complicated science that requires a PHD, health engagement gets drastically diminished. So we use the power of television production to make it easy to clearly understand your results and how to improve them for the future.”

Kurtz is referring to Snapshot’s new personalized video system. Snapshot has now made it easier than ever to comprehend complex medical information and be informed about your health specifics. Each video result comprehensively explains the biometric data, contextualizing it against benchmark levels and offering practical guidance on maintaining optimal health. This personalized touch humanizes the healthcare experience, fostering a deeper connection between employees, their health, and future risk factors.

Snapshot’s quick, accessible results allow employees to prioritize their health without disrupting their daily routines. With increased participation in health screenings, employers can proactively identify and address potential health issues before they escalate, leading to improved employee well-being, reduced healthcare costs, and a stronger bottom line.

After implementing Snapshot’s biometric screening solution, employee participation shot up to an average of 68%, more than double the national average, with one client seeing participation as high as 85%. “We owe this success to the dedication and expertise of our engineering and operations teams,” said Kurtz. “But, as proud as we are of these numbers, there’s still much ground to cover to actually prevent preventable disease on a large scale.”

By collecting data on new features and analyzing their impact, Snapshot aims to continue evolving in the direction of health engagement and preventative impact.

-SK Reynolds