Bridging the Gap: How Snapshot Health Improves Physician Access in Oklahoma

Suppose you need to see a doctor today — in which state would you be better off? While residents of Massachusetts and New Hampshire would have the best luck with the most physicians per capita, your experience may be drastically different in other states. Unfortunately, for many Oklahomans, this reality hits close to home. According to the Merritt Hawkins Physicians Access Index Map, Oklahoma ranked at the very bottom of the list with the least access to physicians per capita (Merritt Hawkins, 2015). This highlights the urgent need for improved access to physicians and healthcare education within the state.

The Physician Access Index tracks nearly three dozen metrics influencing patient access to physicians, including physicians per capita in the state, physicians trained per capita, medical residents per capita, percent of the population with health insurance, physician Medicare and Medicaid acceptance rates, household income, and urgent care centers and retail clinics per capita (Carter, 2016). All of these factors collectively contribute to Oklahoma’s low state ranking, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

Recognizing this pressing need, Snapshot Health aims to bridge the gap and empower Oklahomans with the knowledge they need to take charge of their health. Snapshot operates at the intersection of technology and healthcare, offering biometric screenings with personalized, confidential video results to catch any potential health issues early on and give you a better chance of successful treatment and recovery.

The approach is simple yet game-changing. By partnering with employers to host health screening events, Snapshot ensures increased accessibility to vital health information. What sets Snapshot apart is its delivery method — personalized video results sent directly to you via text message. This eliminates barriers to access and ensures you receive your results promptly and conveniently, without the need for additional apps or downloads.

But Snapshot goes beyond just delivering data. The real value lies in the personalized touch it brings to healthcare education. Each video result is accompanied by a comprehensive explanation, walking you through your results and comparing them against benchmark levels. Most importantly, the videos offer guidance on when you should seek medical attention if your results fall outside the healthy range.

When complex medical information can be overwhelming, Snapshot simplifies the process and empowers you to understand your health status. Watching video-based information increases retention, which will help you make informed decisions. Snapshot leverages technology to enhance access to health education, especially in communities with a limited healthcare presence. By breaking down barriers to access and education, Snapshot Health is paving the way for proactive health management in Oklahoma and beyond.


Carter, J. (2016, March 14). Patient Access to Physicians. LinkedIn.

Merritt Hawkins. (2015). 2015 Physician Access Index Map. Beckers Hospital Review.